
Learn about Sacramento County including our Team.

Learn about Sacramento County including our Team.

Population (as of 2024)
POB/COP/Lease Debt Outstanding (as of 7/1/2024)
$654 Million
Issuer Ratings

Sacramento County covers 984 square miles and is home to the California state capital, 1.6 million residents and seven cities. The population of Sacramento County's unincorporated area is approximately 600,000. If it were a city, it would be the largest in the greater Sacramento region and the 5th largest in the state. 

Debt Management​ Team

- Oversees issuance of County debt for financing of cash-flow and capital facilities.

- Manages County's Fixed Asset Acquisition Fund for internal financing of equipment lease purchases and certain capital facilities projects.

- Oversees the creation of Community Facilities Districts, other financing districts and the issuance of related debt.

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